John Pashilk
Paint Brush Series 1998 - 2003Scroll over the small sculpture icon to see a larger version
  Last Round Up Splash Flora Little Bang Nine Eleven  
Last Round-Up Splash Flora Little Bang Nine Eleven

Materializing abstract expressionist painterly gesture, through a sculptural manifestation Pashilk mediates on the notion of aesthetic communication between color and form.  Humor becomes a more operative conceptual element in this series, a mode through which Pashilk explores his own relation to painting. Through the avant-garde process of absorption and expansion, Pashilk revisits the orthodoxy of expressive color in his earlier work and critically engages its potential for effective communication.  Signaling this criticality in his first piece of the series,  “Last Round-Up,” Pashilk recalls "This piece marks my departure from painting and my commitment to sculpture.”
New Work | Pot Series | Paint Brush Series | Abstract Wall | Tech Bronze | Early Bronze